Monday 19 November 2018

Hello Semester 7!

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

So yeah, I guess it has been such a long time no update huh? Sorry, I'm quite busy lately. Busy? Are you sure Cirah? Okay, not too busy but I have other things to do.

But hey, actually I have a few things in my mind that I think I should update here. If not for you, for my memory at least. Something like an album for keeping the photo, and this blog for my records during my youth. Urgh, somehow I felt like I already old. Old? at 23? Nahhh!

So yeah, for this entry I will talk about my semester 7 (degree). Not an easy peasy journey but absolutely an amazing journey that I can share with my brothers. Hahaha.

"Korang tau, tak senang weh degree tapi still durable la. Aku hidup lagi pe?"

Okay, as I have told before when I was in Semester 6, I have such a horrible moment which I think the worst? yeah, the worst! The stress hit me hard until sometimes I will cry without solid reason, I felt sensitive too much and I hate when people ignore me. I have to call somebody that I think can give some sort of calmness or at least can help me out from the negative zone.

And here I am! Already in semester 7. Final year guys! Fuhhh

Another one year to go and I'm free. At least from the study (maybe).

This year I guess the stress still durable... until I have to decide the place for my internship next semester. Ugh, kinda hate this phase. Why?

I have to choose someplace for the internship that can offer me allowance and experience. But I scare for the commitment that needs to pay for that high allowance. No risk no money girl! 

Just, please pray for the best for me and my friends.
Finish our final year project,
Complete this degree
Find a decent job
Good money
and pay our PTPTN.

I know some of might be wondering why I did not write in Bahasa like usual I did. The answer is I kinda have the mood for this tonight?
( Or affected by ' writing FYP' mode? )

Till next post :)

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Assalamualaikum semua!

1) Terima kasih sebab sudi nak kunjung blog yang tak seberapa ni :-)

2) Sorry kalau ada karya Syira macam "erghh hampeh gila ayat dia ni!" or " bapak childish cerpen dia!" or apa2 yang sewaktu dengannya. Syira masih baru nak nak belajar menulis penulisan yang bagus n best so I need ur comment :-)

3) Ada cerita yang kalau korg perasan tak ada sambungan macam terhenti. Tu maybe sebab tak ada idea or Syira terlalu bz. Insya Allah kalau ada masa n idea Syira sambung. Mngikut permintaan (kalau ada)

4) Kalau la.. (Kalau ok?) korang rasa ada idea utk cerpen boleh la email kat syira. Heeee.. kot Syira rasa boleh buat, syira buat :) email :

5) Kalau mahu comment, sebaik2nya letak la nama. At least I know ur name. Tak la Syira panggil Annonymous1 or 2 je kan?

And lastly, terima kasih sekali lagi sebab masih sudi datang berkunjung sini~


Macam biasa intro setiap kali post,  Bersawang sudah blog ni. Hahahaha, aku tak sempat update. Bukan nak kata tak ada masa sungguh nak main,...